Hear the flutter of Wings

Should-da Know-ed

Thoughts and Ideas....I'll throw a fishin' line out into the "Gray Goo-eee Matter" located somewhere in that "Bone-eee Brain House" that sits on the end of the "Broom Stick" that someone shoved up my backside on a whim so, I can try to drag one of those "fish-eee thing-eees' back out. After that I gets to toss it into this chere fryin' pan. That is, of course, if I don't swipe a "fish-eee thing-eee" out of someone-elses "fish-eee bucket" to which I'll give full credit to the someone-else that I swiped his/her "fish-eee thing-eee" out of thier "fish-eee bucket" and then toss it into this chere fryin' pan.

Language and Spellin'....I'll try to keep most of the "Gutter Talk" from gettin' into each post. Yaw'll notice that I did say "TRY". As for the other, IF I can find it in Webster's...IF NOT, get Yaw'll's "cryin' towel" ready cause Yaw'll might need it.

Laughter...Doin' my best to discover how to put it into words which is a lot harder than I thought it would be but, somewhere along the line I sure am a-hopin' that I succeed in puttin' a smile onto Yaw'll's faces.

Politics....Now that Can and Does get very opinionated and quite Heated around these parts. So, the "Gutter Talk" may rear its ugly head more than once. If, Yaw'll don't want to see it at those times then cover Yaw'll's eyes cause I don't provide "Eye Wash". Times are tuff--don't Yaw'll know.

Religion....I've got mine .. so my opinion is mine. Yaw'll got yours .. so Yaw'll's opinion is Yaw'lls. I may give my opinion. Yaw'll may comment back according to Yaw'll's opinion. BUT, we won't be a-chingin' each other's opinion, now will we.

So Yaw'll come on in, sit it down and puts Yaw'll's feet up and see if Yaw'll might find somthin' that'll catch Yaw'll's intrest for awhile. Yaw'll be sure to leave me a comment so I'll know how my "fish-eee thing-eees" are a-cookin' in this chere fryin' pan.

I hears ya, .. I HEARS YA. Damn, my bird sa squawkin', and I needs my cup of Hot Tea with it "little ole splash" of Bourbon to help take the chill off.

So .. Yaw'll come on back and see what I pulled out of my "fish-eee bucket" .... Yaw'll hear.

Miss Em
aka .. Me.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to get unbored.

Have you ever been so bored that you stare at the screen and not see what you are looking at?
Have you ever been so bored that you can't think of why you are staring at the screen?

My thought exactly.

Then I began to wonder what would it take to get rid of boredom.
Then the light bulb went "Bing" because the brightness from that idea that just popped into my stagnated brain housing flicked its switch.

POP CORN !!!!!!

 Charging down the hallway stopping only long enough to ask "BB" if he wanted any which his reply was "No" and straight into the kitchen.
Grabbed the canister of pop corn kernels and the "hot air" popper then its just a matter of what bowl to use before the pop corn starts popping.

Tripping happily back down the hallway with my bordom fighting ammo I will once again place myself in front of this screen and hopefully be able to work my way thru stupidity and moron-ness( I hope that won't be a made up word).

Ain't life grand!

See y'all on the flip side!

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