Have you ever been so bored that you stare at the screen and not see what you are looking at?
Have you ever been so bored that you can't think of why you are staring at the screen?
My thought exactly.
Then I began to wonder what would it take to get rid of boredom.
Then the light bulb went "Bing" because the brightness from that idea that just popped into my stagnated brain housing flicked its switch.
POP CORN !!!!!!
Charging down the hallway stopping only long enough to ask "BB" if he wanted any which his reply was "No" and straight into the kitchen.
Grabbed the canister of pop corn kernels and the "hot air" popper then its just a matter of what bowl to use before the pop corn starts popping.
Tripping happily back down the hallway with my bordom fighting ammo I will once again place myself in front of this screen and hopefully be able to work my way thru stupidity and moron-ness( I hope that won't be a made up word).
Ain't life grand!
See y'all on the flip side!
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